Designing Online Nursing Education Based Upon Learning Science and High Impact Learning Strategies

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN John Benner, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Education, University of Washington, Seattle June  9, 2020 With the COVID-19 Pandemic, nurse educators must transform in-classroom teaching and learning to online learning. Understanding how students learn is the starting point for all teaching and learning, regardless of how a course is taught. Joshua …

COVID-19 Spotlight on Nursing and the Role of Art as a Moral Source for Empathy, Imagination and Caring

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN, copyright May 10, 2020 The 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale finds nursing under the COVID-19 spotlight. While it will take years to capture and absorb what this time has meant, I encourage nurses on the front line to tell their stories; clarify and record their experiences. Rather than try to protect …

The Growing Conversation and Controversy on Rationing Urgent Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic — A Teaching-Learning Resource

UPDATE 12/28/20: Unfortunately, our national numbers haven’t improved since April 2020, when we first posted this article. Our hospitals in many cities are in a crisis. The hard questions posed in this newsletter are still asked each day and will continue through the winter.  ?RATIONING CARE has begun in Southern California w/ 0% ICU beds in many …

What Happens When Hospitals Run out of Ventilators and Other Emergency Rescue Equipment?

Our overwhelmed, or soon to be overwhelmed hospitals, face rationing precious life-saving equipment, such as ventilators. Our national lack of preparedness for a global pandemic will, in the near future, force local physicians and nurses to ration ventilators and oxygen delivery equipment,  for patients and  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for caregivers.  How do health care providers …

Rapid Change in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Being Flexible and Innovative in the Wake of Disruption

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN March 26, 2020 Amid this COVID-19 Pandemic, graduating the current senior nursing students and preparing all to graduate on time is critical to meeting health care needs with our current nursing shortage. We pause to reflect on how nurse educators can be innovative when the stakes are so high. I …